Meet the ShareMD nurses

Our fully licensed, US-based nurses are ready to provide the education you need to help you make the best decisions for treatment.

Helping you know what to do—is what we do

We focus on education. Providing the information you need to make the best decisions for your care. 

Our goal is to give you the knowledge you need to understand and manage complex medical conditions. Giving you the confidence it takes to play an active role in your journey and get back to the one thing that matters most—healing. 

Giving you confidence to achieve your goals

This is your journey. Feel confident in your knowledge.

As nurses, we know the importance of having a trusted medical professional that you can speak openly to. One that will listen and help identify resources or providers that you need in your specific situation. We take all the time you need to make sure you feel heard and armed with answers.

How it works

We get to know you, where you are on your health journey, and what brought you here.

We start by getting to know you. To understand where you are in your healthcare journey and provide useful information to help you along the way.

And if you need us to be more involved, we’re here for that too. Our team of fully licensed nurses is standing by to help you weigh the benefits and risks of a procedure, explain your diagnosis, connect you with the best provider in your area, and so much more. We’re here to help.